NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Major incidents of violence against Asian American communities, especially women, are at the forefront of national news. According to a national study by the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism, hate crimes targeting Asian Americans increased 149% in major cities in the last year.
The legacies of white supremacy, misogyny, and xenophobia surged in the past several years. The use of a racist slur to describe the coronavirus has led to hateful speech and acts towards Asian Americans. We have seen the horrific results of hate speech and ignorant, vindictive rhetoric across the United States, and including in NYC.
Sun River Health stands firm and proud with our communities, friends, family, colleagues, and patients of Asian American and Pacific Islander descent. As a community health center founded on a call to access and inclusion and a leader in New York’s COVID-19 response, these matters are of deep concern to us today.
I wanted to share two resources with you. First, stopaapihate.org. At this site, you can report incidents of hate or violence against AAPI individuals (supported in multiple languages including Cantonese and Mandarin) and also find multilingual resources for impacted community members.
In addition, the NYS “Be An Ally to Asian Americans” resource is here, with additional resources including EAP counselor contact info.
As a nation, we have a long and tragic history of abuse of our Asian American/Pacific Islander community members. This is a time to confront hate and ignorance wherever we find it and be true to our ideals both as Americans and as staff of Sun River Health.
Wanda V. Mitchell, MS
VP, Strategy and Planning
Sun River Health
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