Your lasting legacy
By including the Sun River Health Foundation in your estate planning, you can ensure that our mission to provide health care for all continues on in your legacy for future generations. Plan your gift today.
Planned giving
The Sun River Health Foundation offers various types of bequest options that ensure your wishes are upheld, while securing an estate-tax charitable deduction for the value of the gift.

Outright Bequests
An unrestricted bequest assures that your gift is directed by Sun River Health’s leadership to our most pressing needs. You may also designate your gift for a special purpose or program.
Residuary Bequests
Balance the needs of your heirs with your desire to provide for the future patients of Sun River Health. A fixed amount or a share of your estate provides for your heirs. The remainder funds the vital work of Sun River Health.
Contingent Bequests
A gift to Sun River Health that is based on your exact wishes, such as the death of your primary heirs. Naming Sun River Health as a contingent beneficiary lets you anticipate changing circumstances.
Retirement-Plan Giving
If you want to support the Sun River Health Foundation but worry about income in retirement, consider using retirement-plan benefits to make a significant gift.
Asset Gifts
Sun River Health Foundation gladly accepts assets such as stocks or bonds that often offer additional tax incentives.
To inquire about planned giving options, please contact Foundation Executive Director Jeramie Barber at 914-425-0891.
If you have already included the Sun River Health Foundation in your estate plans, please let me know. We’d like to celebrate your generosity as little or as much as you like — even if you wish for your gift to remain anonymous.
Download a printable checklist for a few ways to start planning your legacy
Contact the Sun River Health Foundation via phone at 914-734-8555 or via email at
“I don’t have health insurance, and I greatly value the services at Sun River Health. I know many people in my situation who don’t have any other place to go for health care. I am very grateful because I feel comfortable here. When I come here, I know I will be taken care of. My provider is an excellent doctor and he cares for all the issues I have. That is what patients are looking for.”
—Carol, Sun River Health patient