Carlos Ortiz, our Suffolk County VP of Operations, remembered that nine suction units were left in our Suffolk County health centers after we assumed their operation a few years ago and offered them back to one of our hospital partners.
“When the Suffolk County clinics were transitioned to become HRHCare health centers, we discovered suction pump units that were left in all the sites. We decided that we didn’t need them, so we removed them. I took all the suction pumps and just stored them in my office in Amityville. On Sunday, after hearing the Governor speak, it occurred to me that these machines could be used by a hospital to treat patients with COVID-19. They might really need them! I sent an email to John McMurray, the COO of Good Sam Hospital, and told him we could donate the nine suction pumps that we had. He told me that my email came as a miracle, as they had ordered 25 suction pumps but had no idea when they would finally get them. So, I brought them what we had.” –Carlos Ortiz, HRHCare VP of Operations
Good Samaritan Hospital COO John McMurray shared the following message with Carlos:
“Carlos, I wanted to take a minute, during these crazy times, to express our gratitude to you and the HRHCare team for the donation of nine suction pumps. The suction pumps will be used in conjunction with our ICU surge plans in support of our increased vented patient population. Again, thank you for your generosity and continued partnership.” — John A. McMurray, Chief Operating Officer & SVP of Good Samaritan Hospital Medical Center, Catholic Health Services of Long Island